All posts by Courtenay

Spring Fever!

Can you believe that the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run is just four weeks away? It’s been a long, cold winter, but spring is coming, and the cherry blossoms won’t be far behind. In fact, the National Park Service announced its prediction for the peak bloom dates, and they fall right around race day!

Hains Point Cherry Blossoms

I’ve always struggled with the Hains Point portion of the course, but if the trees look like this on race day, I think they would lift my spirits!

The spring weather is a reminder to start thinking about what you want to wear on race day. The race shirt design is fantastic, but it may not be the best option. First, you shouldn’t wear something new on race day. Second, some runners think it’s bad luck (or bad form?) to wear a race shirt until you’ve actually finished. Perhaps most importantly,  because a lot of people will wear the race shirt, wearing it yourself will make it hard for your friends, family and fans to pick you out and cheer you on!

It’s usually 40-50 °F at race time, which I consider perfect for running. It can feel pretty chilly before the start, though, so I like to dress in layers, wearing a t-shirt and shorts under a throw-away sweatshirt and sweatpants I can leave at the starting line. Arm warmers are another popular option, and are much easier to take off mid-race than a long-sleeve shirt or jacket! I usually race in compression socks or sleeves, and already have a pair in cherry blossom pink!  A hat and sun glasses are other essentials that are easy to forget when you head out at dawn.

If you need more help figuring out what to wear, our sponsors Potomac River Running and New Balance have lots of good ideas and great options for race day gear.

~ Courtenay
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and check out my blog, Running With Perseverance

Are you ready for spring?

How is your training going?

Wear Jeans To Support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

The dress code at my office is usually “business casual,” but some Fridays we have a “Jeans Day” where we can wear jeans to support a charity. This week I am sponsoring Jeans  Day and accepting donations for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through my Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run donations page.

Wear Jeans To Support CMNH

Making a $5 donation for the simple pleasure of wearing jeans to work can help defray costs like these:

  • $0.42 for one Wee Pee sized diaper, for neonates weighing less than 800 grams. ($150.48/1 case, case=360 diapers)
  • $0.50 for one Preemie sized diaper, for neonates weighing up to 4 pounds.
  • $1.08 for one Size 1 blood pressure cuff for the smallest children.
  • $4.00 for one baby blanket in the Neonatal and Infant Critical Care Unit.

That’s right, one $5 donation can cover 10 Preemie sized diapers! And when it’s this cold outside, who can resist making a donation that would cover the cost of a baby blanket?

If you are allowed to wear jeans to work on Friday (or if you work at home and set your own dress code!), I’d love it if you would join my Jeans Day and support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through my donations page here. If you can’t wear jeans but still want to participate, you could wear cherry blossom pink instead.

If you have a friend who has entered the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run as a charity participant you can look up their donation page here. This Saturday, February 28, is the deadline for reaching the minimum fundraising goal, so your donation now could really make a difference!  

I’m challenging my fellow Credit Union Cherry Blossom Social Runners and Bloggers to make a donation through their own pages if they can wear jeans to work on Friday. 😉

Worth Bundling Up For

Hopefully the weather will be gorgeous on April 12, but as I start training for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run it is cold, dark, and sometimes dreary when I head out for my o’dark-thirty runs. Luckily this area has so many beautiful places to run, my efforts to get out there despite the weather are often rewarded with gorgeous sunrises, breathtaking views of the monuments, or surprising views of natural beauty. If you need inspiration to bundle up and get your run in, check out some of these routes.

5K or 5 Miles

Park at the Iwo Jima Memorial and run towards the Memorial Bridge, along the sidewalk parallel to Route 110 (with Arlington National Cemetery on your right). Head over the bridge to the Lincoln Memorial (loop around to the left for cross walks and walk (run?) signals). An out-and-back to the front side of the Lincoln Memorial will be about 5K (a bit over 3 miles). For a longer run (about 5 miles), continue along the Reflecting Pool, past the World War II Memorial, and loop around the Washington Monument.

5 or 9 Miles

Park at Gravelly Point (along the G.W. Parkway between Ronald Reagan National Airport and the 14th Street Bridge), and run along the Mount Vernon Trail to the 14th Street Bridge. Run across the 14th Street Bridge, head over towards the Jefferson Memorial, and run around Tidal Basin, passing through the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. When you get back to the Jefferson Memorial, retrace your route over the bridge and back to Gravelly Point. This route is about 5 miles. You can make it 4 miles longer–and get a preview of what I think is the hardest part of the Cherry Blossom course–by adding a loop around Hains Point.

Any Distance

For more bucolic views, run an out-and-back route of any distance along the C&O canal, which starts in Georgetown (park under the Key Bridge or park at Roosevelt Island and run over the Key Bridge) or the southern end of the Mount Vernon Trail (park at any of the parks between Old Town and Mount Vernon).

I hope this gives you some motivation to get out there and enjoy the sights along your runs. For even more motivation, sign up for the virtual training program presented by New Balance here or the PR in-person training program here.

Do you have a favorite place to run?


Spreading Holiday Cheer

I hope you are enjoying a happy holiday season and getting ready to celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Before 2014 gets away, I want to give you five reasons to spread the holiday cheer by supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run!  (Click Here To Donate!)

Support CMNH (1)

1. You did not get picked in the lottery, so you have decided to be a Charity Race Entry Participant. If Santa put a little cash in your stocking, why not put some of it towards your $500 fundraising goal? (Find out how to register as a Charity Race Entry Participant here).

2. You did get picked in the lottery, but your BRF (best running friend) didn’t. Spread your Cherry Blossom joy by donating to their fundraising page so you can run together in April! (You can look up your friend’s donation page here.)

3. There is a child in your life who is healthy and you want to express your gratitude for that blessing by supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, which treat over 10 million children annually across the U.S., providing state-of-the-art care‚ cutting edge research and preventative health education. (You can make a general donation here.)

4. There is a child in your life who has been treated at a CMN Hospital, and you want to pay it forward so others can receive that same level of care. It’s never a good time to have a sick child, but it can seem even harder around the holidays, which should be filled with joy and wonder, not illness and worry. But when your child does need medical attention, it is comforting to know that you can get the best available care for every disease and injury imaginable at a nearby CMN Hospital. (You can make a donation to your CMN Hospital here.)

5. You don’t know anything about the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, but you could use another tax deduction for 2014. (You can donate through my donations page here.) 🙂

Here’s to a happy, healthy 2015!

Running With Perseverance                                                           

P.S. If your New Year’s resolutions include getting back in shape, the New Balance/PR Training program is a great way to get the motivation, encouragement and accountability you need to reach your goals. (You can find out more about the training programs here.)

Celebrate Giving Tuesday With Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Did you know that Tuesday, December 2, 2014 has been designated as Giving Tuesday? Now that we’ve taken time to give thanks for all we have on Thanksgiving, shopped for holiday gift deals on Black Friday, and rounded out our holiday shopping on Cyber Monday, it’s a good time to tap into our generosity and give to those who are less fortunate. Over here at the CUCB blog, we are supporting the charities associated with the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run–won’t you join us by donating to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? (Click Here To Donate!)


The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run is the signature event of Credit Union Miracle Day, which is a nonprofit collaboration of credit union organizations engaged in fundraising activities to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals). If you live in the D.C. area, you probably are familiar with Children’s National Medical Center, which is the local CMN Hospital affiliate. There are 136 children’s hospitals affiliated with the CMNH in the United States, and they treat over 10 million children annually across the U.S., providing state-of-the-art care‚ cutting edge research and preventative health education. Several members of the CUCB Social Runners team have had friends and family members cared for at CMN Hospitals, and know first hand the quaility of care they provide.


Credit Unions For Kids is the umbrella brand through which credit unions and affiliated organizations support the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

When you donate to support CMN Hospitals, you help local CMN Hospitals provide
 $6,500 in charity care every minute to help save kids’ lives. Does that sound impossible?

Every hour, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals treat 675 kids in the ER; 39 kids for diabetes; 92 kids for cancer;39 babies in the newborn ICU; and 97 kids for surgeries.

Every day, Every day, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals treat 16,000 kids in the ER, 935 kids for diabetes, 2,218 kids for cancer, 925 babies in the newborn ICU, and 2,329 kids for surgeries.

This year is the thirteenth year that credit unions have sponsored the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run in support of Credit Unions for Kids and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, with over $6 million donated for children’s hospitals during this time!

Please join us in celebrating Giving Tuesday by donating to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals here. Please also consider supporting other Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run charities: Teens Run DC and the RRCA Rhoads Scholars program.

Have you entered the lottery for the 2014 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run?

Do you know anyone who was cared for at a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital?

5 Tips For Your First 5K

I know a lot of people who are doing the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 5K Run-Walk will be running their first 5K. While a first race can be as intimidating as it is exciting, here are five tips for your first 5K that can help you have a great race day.

1. Get your race gear ready the night before. The night before the race, get all of your race gear together in one place–race bib and safety pins, clothes, running shoes, hat/visor, sunglasses, sports watch (if you’re using one), water bottle (if you’re using one), pre-race snack (I like to bring a granola bar to eat about 1/2 hour before the start), cell phone, and anything else you will need. If you plan to use the bag drop, use a fat permanent marker to label your bag with your name and bib number and consider putting a brightly colored bandanna in your bag to help make it easier to spot.

2. Don’t wear the race t-shirt to race in. There are people who think that you shouldn’t wear the race t-shirt until you’ve actually finished the race, but I think you’ve already earned the race shirt by signing up and training, no matter what happens on race day. Still, I suggest not wearing the race shirt on race day because hundreds (if not thousands!) of runners will be wearing the race shirt, which will make it hard for friends and family to spot YOU and cheer YOU on. Expect a chilly morning and dress in layers, and make sure you pin your bib on your inside layer or shorts/pants.

3. Arrive early.  The 5K starts at 8:40, but the elite women’s start is at 7:20 and the general 10 mile start is at 7:30, so if you want to be there for the opening ceremonies and singing of the National Anthem, you will want to be there early. Arriving early will give you time to get oriented with the start and finish areas, warm-up, soak up some pre-race energy from the other runners, and use the porta-pottys. 😉 There is not much (any?) parking around the Washington Monument, so the race organizers suggest taking Metro, which is another reason to leave yourself plenty of time. (Please see the Getting To The Race page for more information.)

4. Run your own race. After more than 10 years of running and racing, I still struggle with starting out too fast because I get caught up with all of the other runners who are starting out too fast! I use my Garmin to check my pace throughout a race, but in the beginning of a race I often need to make myself slow down. If you find yourself in a pack of runners going faster than you feel comfortable, slow down and run your own race. If this is your first 5K or your first Credit Union Cherry Blossom run, you’re going to set a personal record no matter what!

5. Relax and have fun! The Credit Union Cherry Blossom run really is a great event. You’ve done the work to get to the starting line, and race day is the time to relax and have fun. Enjoy the majesty of the monuments, the energy of the other runners and spectators, and the beauty of the cherry blossoms!


Good luck!


You can read more about Courtenay’s running and other adventures on her blog, Running With Perseverance, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Are you running your first 5K this spring?

Do you have any tips to add?

How I’m Training For The Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run

I know the official training programs for the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run started in February, but that seemed too early for me to start training for a race that isn’t until April. Not to mention that training in the D.C. area in February this year meant braving icy or snowy trails or slogging it out on the treadmill. But, now it’s March, and the longer daylight hours–if not warmer weather–are reminding me that race day will be here soon.


I have a history of running injuries–plantar fascitis, ITB syndrome, piriformis syndrome–so I approach training for a race cautiously. No PR (personal record) is worth risking a DNS (did not start) due to injury.

I have found that running three days a week, doing strength training 3 days a week, and resting or doing a gentle yoga/stretching program on the other day works well for me.

This is what my typical training schedule looks likes:

Monday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 30-40 minutes full body strength training
Tuesday: 45-60 minutes of running, usually a speed or hill workout (on alternating weeks)
Wednesday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 30-40 minutes full body strength training
Thursday: 4-5 mile run
Friday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 20-30 minutes upper body/back strength training
Saturday: long run (8-12 miles)
Sunday: gentle yoga or stretching program

For my strength training routines, I am focusing on exercises that are suggested for runners, like dead lifts, calf raises, squats, lunges, clamshells, planks, etc. On Friday I focus on upper body strength moves to give my legs a rest before my Saturday long run.

You can read more about my running and training on my blog, Running With Perseverance, or follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

Have you started following a training plan? 

Have you set a goal for race day?

Dear Running — Be My Valentine

Valentine’s Day is upon us — the perfect time to reflect on why we love running so much!

Valentine To Running

What would you put on a Valentine’s Day card to running? 


Courtenay is an attorney and Virginia native, born,  raised and living in Alexandria, Virginia. She started running after graduating from law school, and has been hooked on the endorhpins ever since. Her favorite race distance is 10 miles. 

Three Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Your Spring Race

With the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run more than eight weeks away, I’m not quite ready to start training for the race, but it’s never too early for conditioning. Here are three things that I think runners can be doing now to get ready for spring races.


Continue reading Three Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Your Spring Race