I feel like a perpetual new runner. I’ve started and stopped running so many times in my life, I’ve lost count. If anyone knows how to get started running, it’s me.
I took a break from running when graduate school and working full-time became too much to add running into my schedule. After a cross-country move and settling into new job, I wanted to start running again and found that I felt like a brand new runner again. Every step felt like it was hard, breathing was an effort, even the two-mile loop around my neighborhood was too much. I had to return to the basics of when I first started running. In case you’re new to running too, I want to share some of what I have found important in my many seasons of being a new runner.Continue reading How To Get Started Running→
If you entered the lottery for the 2017 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run but didn’t get in, I have a story for you.
When I was a kid, I wanted a sparkly Michael Jackson glove so much. I mean, I wanted it BAD.
It was on my birthday wish list, but when my birthday came, no sparkly Michael Jackson glove. I was so sad. I was even a little angry. Then, a late birthday card arrived in the mail from a family member, and inside the card was some cash. I was able to buy myself that Michael Jackson glove.
If you entered the lottery for the 2017 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run but didn’t get in, you can buy your own sparkly glove…I mean, race entry! Just raise $500 before February 15 and you can earn a place in the 2017 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run as a Charity Race Participant.
Jen’s “Sweep Bus Selfie” on the Arlington Memorial Bridge
We are privileged to be able to use the Washington Monument Grounds during the National Cherry Blossom Festival, its busiest time of the year. Our permit agreement specifies all runners will be off the course by 10:30 am. To meet this agreement, runners not maintaining a 14-minute-per mile pace (calculated from the start of the final wave) will be required to leave the course and board our sweep vehicle (if you are unsure that you can maintain this pace, you can switch to the 5k by completing this form). One brave runner shares her 2015 sweep bus experience. Continue reading Jen’s Sweeping Finish→
Rob ran another 10 mile spring race in 2014: the Reston 10-miler
Rob and I met during Potomac River Running Distance Training in 2014. Rob was training for the Marine Corps Marathon while I was training for the Philadelphia Half Marathon. Watching Rob run the MCM was inspirational. He showed true commitment and perseverance. And wouldn’t you know it – he ended up running the Philly Half, too!
When did you begin running and why? I started running a little during my high school years. I trained for a few local 5Ks but that was really the extent of it. I then totally stopped running through college. I started gaining weight, and eventually got pretty out of shape. I couldn’t run one lap on the track without walking and wanted to change that. So I started running regularly, both as a way to get healthier and to have fun training & competing in local running events. I also set a goal at this time (mid 2012) to run a marathon within 1-2 years.
What is your proudest running moment? By far it was completing my first marathon, the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. It’s not just one of my proudest running moments, but also one of my proudest life achievements. Training for and running a successful marathon requires hard work, dedicated training and commitment. Not many people can say they’ve run a marathon. The marathon experience is unlike any other, it’s a huge challenge both mentally and physically, the rewarding feeling of accomplishment after you complete it is indescribable.
Why did you sign up for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run Training Program with Potomac River Running? The premium Cherry Blossom training program at =PR= running offered guaranteed entry into the race, which made signing up a no brainer for me. I didn’t win a spot in the lottery, so I was looking for another way into the race. I’ve trained with =PR= before for both of my marathons. =PR= Training is a great way to build some structure into your running life, meet new friends, learn running tips from others and really just become a better runner overall.
Have you run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run before? I have not run it before.
What is your “why” for running the 2015 the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? I think the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler is one of the trademark races not only in the DC area but in the entire country each year. It attracts runners from all over the world. I’ve never run it before, so I am definitely looking forward to experiencing the race firsthand. I’ve run most of the course before during the Marine Corps Marathon or in training (I’m local to the DC area) so it should be awesome running a familiar route with all the crowd support and beautiful scenery in DC.
What is your goal for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? It’s hard to have a strict time goal in a race this big; sometimes you can get caught up in a big crowd and end up running off your goal pace. My main goal will be to complete the race successfully and healthy. My time goal which I’ll train for will be around a 1:15 but who knows, if my training goes better I might end up shooting for a faster time.
Do you have a running mantra? What is it and what does it mean to you? My running mantra is “Just run.” I’ve never regretted going on a run. Rolling out of bed extra early in the morning can be so difficult, but I’m always so glad I did it afterwards. Same with signing up for a race that might scare you; I ran my first half marathon in 2013 and I was so nervous for the training and didn’t know if I could do it. If you take small enough steps and do the training properly, it’s really quite simple as long as you keep reminding yourself to “just run.”
If you could use only one word to express what running means to you, what would it be? Determination
What is your favorite New Balance running gear? I’ve used New Balance shoes in the past and have always had a good experience. I go through a number of pairs of running shoes every year and will probably look into getting another pair of 1080v4’s. They’re a fairly neutral lightweight shoe which seems to work for me very well.
What is a fun/interesting fact you learned about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? That they have raised over $5 billion over the course of their history (since 1983). That’s a very impressive accomplishment for a great cause. It’s great to see quality organizations like them sponsor and partner up with runners/running events.
Kim has been running off and on for 25 years, but only recently got serious about figuring out how to keep that switch turned on. The secret for her is a broad and supportive running community through Potomac River Running Training Programs, Moms Run This Town, Reston Runners, and followers of her blog, Kim Runs Miles With Smiles. Kim will be coaching the PR Cherry Blossom Training Program at Reston in 2015 and is excited to share her enthusiasm for all things Cherry Blossom, which was her first BIG race in 2014. When she isn’t running, she is tackling the nation’s health care issues in her job as a health care services researcher for a non-profit association.
Carol Shuford at the finish line of her fourth Ironman in Wisconsin
I met Carol last year when we ran in a birthday race to celebrate our mutual friend Gina. Gina and Carol make up two-thirds of the triathlete group known as “Team Rabbit”. All of their blog posts are rhymes! Carol is also a “streaker” – 2015’s Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile run will be her 17th consecutive race.
When did you begin running and why? I began running in1998. I always had in the back of my mind that I wanted to do a marathon. I happened across a pamphlet about a training program for the Marine Corps Marathon, so I filled out the information and mailed (yes, mailed) it in. That was my first race.
What is your proudest running moment? My proudest moment was completing my first 50 miler this past October at the Can Lake50 in Canandaguia, NY. And the fact I am willing to do another one this year!
What is your most memorable running moment? My most memorable was the very first time I donned my bunny ears as a member of Team Rabbit. It was the marathon portion of Ironman Lake Placid. As I started off on my 26.2 miles a spectator proclaimed: “your ears are on backwards!” I realized then and there that people noticed these ears! It became a game to see how many crazy comments Team Rabbit could get from wearing the ears!
Have you run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run before? I have definitely run the Cherry Blossom race before! This year will be my 17th in a row!
What is your “why” for running the 2015 the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? I run it because I don’t know how to stop! Ha ha! Also I’ll bet my running mojo for the whole year would probably be off if I didn’t participate.
What is your goal for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? My goal at this moment is to finish the ten miler feeling good!
Do you have a running mantra? What is it and what does it mean to you? A running mantra is constantly reminding myself to run my own race and not worry so much about what the others around me are doing.
If you could use only one word to express what running means to you, what would it be? Running to me means SANITY!
What is a fun/interesting fact you learned about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? It was amazing to me that one child every second enters a Children’s Miracle Network sponsored hospital for care. Clearly an organization that needs and deserves our support!
Kim has been running off and on for 25 years, but only recently got serious about figuring out how to keep that switch turned on. The secret for her is a broad and supportive running community through Potomac River Running Training Programs, Moms Run This Town, Reston Runners, and followers of her blog, Kim Runs Miles With Smiles. Kim will be coaching the PR Cherry Blossom Training Program at Reston in 2015 and is excited to share her enthusiasm for all things Cherry Blossom, which was her first BIG race in 2014. When she isn’t running, she is tackling the nation’s health care issues in her job as a health care services researcher for a non-profit association.
The dress code at my office is usually “business casual,” but some Fridays we have a “Jeans Day” where we can wear jeans to support a charity. This week I am sponsoring Jeans Day and accepting donations for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through my Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run donations page.
Making a $5 donation for the simple pleasure of wearing jeans to work can help defray costs like these:
$0.42 for one Wee Pee sized diaper, for neonates weighing less than 800 grams. ($150.48/1 case, case=360 diapers)
$0.50 for one Preemie sized diaper, for neonates weighing up to 4 pounds.
$1.08 for one Size 1 blood pressurecuff for the smallest children.
$4.00 for one baby blanket in the Neonatal and Infant Critical Care Unit.
That’s right, one $5 donation can cover 10 Preemie sized diapers! And when it’s this cold outside, who can resist making a donation that would cover the cost of a baby blanket?
If you are allowed to wear jeans to work on Friday (or if you work at home and set your own dress code!), I’d love it if you would join my Jeans Day and support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through my donations page here. If you can’t wear jeans but still want to participate, you could wear cherry blossom pink instead.
If you have a friend who has entered the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run as a charity participant you can look up their donation page here. This Saturday, February 28, is the deadline for reaching the minimum fundraising goal, so your donation now could really make a difference!
I’m challenging my fellow Credit Union Cherry Blossom Social Runners and Bloggers to make a donation through their own pages if they can wear jeans to work on Friday. 😉
Lynn (in pink) and me (Kim) celebrating Lynn’s triumph over a strained calf during the Across the Bay 10K
Lynn and I met during Potomac River Running 101 training in 2013. I have watched Lynn gain confidence and blossom as a runner over the last 18 months as she has tackled 5Ks, a 4-miler, and her first 10K. I am so excited to be a part of her journey as she trains for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run – the farthest distance she has ever run.
When did you begin running and why? I did not begin running earnestly until recently. Although it was something I have wanted to do most of my adult life, I never believed it was something I could do, but quietly tried and tried on my own with little progress (which only confirmed that it was something I would never do). A friend at work convinced me to join her in the PR Running 101 program which led to meeting so many inspiring women, coaches, mentors, and friends and all of a sudden running became a real option for me. Although the physical benefits are wonderful, the mental benefits, social aspects, and sense of accomplishment are what bring me the most joy.
What is your proudest running moment? Your weirdest? My proudest moment was finishing my first 10K. My weirdest / funniest was being stuck for 30 minutes on top of the Bay Bridge with a strained calf, three of my best running buddies, a very cute (young and confused) police officer and an overwhelming desire to get to the finish line.
Why did you sign up for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run Training Program with Potomac River Running? Having done other PR training programs I could not imagine even attempting the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run without their expert training, guidance and encouragement. Having never run this distance before I am looking forward to their expertise on everything from running form, stretching, nutrition and many topics I have yet to discover.
Have you run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run before? This will be my first 10 mile run.
What is your “why” for running the 2015 the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? Seeing other people in the PR 101 training program progress to this race gave me the confidence to consider it as something I could do. This race quickly became THE race on my bucket list. The historical significance of the location, the time of year, and the beauty of the surroundings are just a few of things that make the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run so exciting to look forward to.
What is your goal for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? To stay ahead of the sweeper; I am already having nightmares! Seriously, I really believe that after completing the PR training program I will have the confidence and tools to have what I believe will be an awesome running experience, a great time with other runners, and being it will be my first 10 mile run I am guaranteed a PR (personal record)!
Do you have a running mantra? What is it and what does it mean to you? Start slow and relax. One of the women in the Reston Runners Best Foot Forward group shared that a coach once had her write “RELAX” on her arm before a big race. I did a version of this on my next race (wrote it on my finger). As I glanced at it while running I expected to just see the word, but it became so much more. It immediately brought memories of all the hard work and training I have been putting in, but more importantly, it brought to mind all the awesome women I have met who have been inspiring, encouraging, and who believed in me even when I did not believe in myself.
If you could use only one word to express what running means to you, what would it be? Life-changing (can I use two words?)
What is your favorite New Balance running gear? My 1260v4 running shoes. Not only are they comfortable with great cushioning, they are neon orange. Although it took a couple of runs for me to notice something other than my feet, I absolutely love them!
What is a fun/interesting fact you learned about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? That it started with a 1983 telethon and was founded by Marie Osmond, John Schneider, Mick Shannon and Joe Lake.
~ Kimberly, @KimberWestrich Kim will be coaching the PR Cherry Blossom Training Program at Reston in 2015 and is excited to share her enthusiasm for all things Cherry Blossom, which was her first BIG race in 2014. When she isn’t running, she is tackling the nation’s health care issues in her job as a health care services researcher for a non-profit association.
We asked pro runner Tyler McCandless to share his experience running CUCB 2013 and some words of wisdom in the last few weeks before race day. Here’s his reply:
Last year I came to Washington, DC for my first Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run feeling ready and excited to compete. I was one of the elite athletes in the race and had set a goal of finishing in the top 10.
How does a professional athlete prepare for a 10 mile race? In the 13 weeks leading up to the race I ran 1,250 miles, which is an average of 90 miles a week. The training is accomplished via two weeks cycles that have five workouts (two workouts one week, three workouts the next week) with a medium long run on Wednesdays and a long run on Sunday. All workout days also have an afternoon run of 30-40 minutes and Mondays I add in a second run where I do 15 minutes alternating 15 seconds fast and 15 seconds easy. That’s a lot of quality and quantity in each week! Here is a snapshot of my training in March leading up to CUCB 2013:
Tyler’s March training for CUCB 2013
On these runs I was constantly visualizing the race. I watched videos that I found online so that I could have more realistic images of the course in my mind. I searched past results to see who ran what times and finished in what place. I established clear goals: top 10 overall, and top American. When I came across the finish line in 8th place and 1st American, all of the training in 2013 and the month of March was well worth it!
Tyler on the awards stage, after a very successful 2013 CUCB!
What can you do in the last 3 weeks before race day? Now is the time to set clear goals, visualize your 2014 CUCB, enjoy the process, and build positive momentum carrying you to the race. Remember the feeling of accomplishment upon achieving your goals when you’re out at dark-o-thirty in the morning running before work or school!
Best wishes making your 2014 Cherry Blossom goals come true! This year Cherry Blossom serves as USA 10 Mile Championships. A top 5 finish would be rewarding and that’s what I will be dreaming of when I’m running tomorrow morning!
Tyler McCandless is a runner and PhD student in meteorologist living and training in Boulder, CO. Tyler is sponsored by Newton Running Elite (team updates and results can be found at facebook.com/NewtonRunningElite). Follow him as he trains for his next big race, as well as the 2014 CUCB, on twitter at @TrackTy
Training season is in full swing and we couldn’t be more excited! For many of you, this will be your first time running 10 miles. If you fall into this category, I commend you for taking on such a goal. For those of you taking on the CUCB 10 Miler again, welcome back! We’re glad to have you.
As race day approaches, it’s good to start thinking about race day logistics. Below are some tips to ensure you have a great race!
What to wear Race day is not the day to try out that new pair of shoes or running top. Always stick with what you know works. Training runs are a great opportunity to test out your race day outfit. It’s better to find out on a training run that that particular pair of socks or running top is rubbing you the wrong way. Showing up on race day wearing the gear you know works will help reduce some of your pre-race jitters.
What to eat/drink on the run Much like your running gear, it is important to stick with what you know works for you on race day. Some of you may have already started to experiment with eating/drinking on the run. If you have not, now is a good time to test some things out. Most runners turn to electrolyte drinks and energy gels to replace what has been lost through sweat. Use your training runs to test out these products to find out what the best combination is for you.
Race day This one is easy, finish. You’re going to run a personal best no matter what time you finish in, so don’t stress about time. Enjoy the sights and take pictures if you’re carrying a camera! The Credit Union Cherry Blossom course is beautiful and fingers crossed that the blossoms will be in full bloom!
New runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.New runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.New runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.
For locals, the In-Person On-Site Training Program begins January 25-26, 2014 at a variety of locations. The $99 registration fee for the standard program also includes great gear and this year a premium option includes the same benefits as the standard program plus a registration to the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run and a pair of New Balance shoes!
For folks outside of D.C., there is a Virtual Training program that begins January 27, 2014. This program is free, is presented by New Balance, and has been thoughtfully designed by Bill Rodgers and Virtual Training Coach Kirt West.
Running training programs offer so much more than a chance to log miles. One of last year’s social runners, Amanda, used a modified version of the training plan because she was injured. She loved it. Here’s what she had to say:
=PR= Training
As the Cherry Blossom social runner, I have been working with several of the race sponsors to get back on my feet, and one of those has been the =PR= Training program. Participating in this program has given me access to Coach T, who has helped me to adapt the =PR= program to whatever my capabilities have been. Starting on the bike and working my way up, she’s checked in to make sure I’m ok to be running when I am and helped me outline an abbreviated training plan without compromising my progress.
In addition to working with Coach T, participating in the training program has brought both Matt and myself something we hadn’t really experienced before: camaraderie in training. We both tend to prefer running on our own, but out of this process, we ended up making new friends that have celebrated our accomplishments with us (like Matt’s half marathon PR that he promises he’ll write a post about soon) and commiserated over injuries. I have personally loved getting to watch the newer runners experience new personal distance records, and their excitement throughout the training process has continued to provide me with determination to make it to race day, as well.
Amanda’s husband, Matt, was healthy and able to join in on the scheduled training runs. You can read about a sample week of training here.
Let us know if you sign up for one of the programs and how your training is going! Good luck, Runners!
Elizabeth is a writing mom on the run and logs her miles in Pittsburgh, PA. She was a 2013 Social Runner for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run.