While there are still a few good weeks of running left in 2016, a lot of runners are starting to fill out their 2017 race calendars. I know I’ve already got April 2 filled in with the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run. If you don’t have a guaranteed entry from volunteering last year, now is your chance to enter the lottery, which is open from December 1 through December 12.
You can find a full explanation of how the lottery works here.
If you don’t want to risk it with the lottery or you know you want to support Children’s Miracle Network, you can sign up to be a Charity Race Entry Participant. To qualify, you will need to raise $500 for the official race charity, Credit Unions for Kids. You will feel good knowing that every dollar raised for Credit Unions for Kids will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network, a network of 170 non-profit children’s hospitals located across North America. Please check out the official fundraising page for all the details.
Photo Credit – Kath Mallet
We hope to see you at the
Washington Monument grounds on April 2!
Did you know it takes more than 2,000 volunteers to organize the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run?
No doubt about it, volunteers are the fuel that keeps the 43-year-old DC racing tradition running smoothly.
Volunteers are so important to the success of the race, the organizers throw in some serious perks to thank everyone involved. The most sought after? A guaranteed entry for the next year’s race. So if you love all things Cherry Blossom and had hoped to kick off your spring running season with the Credit Union race, have no fear! Volunteer, and you won’t have to go through the pins-and-needles, hand-wringing lottery process. (We’ve lost one or two nights of sleep crossing our fingers to get in around lottery time).
Cross your fingers!
So I talked to Nita Lalla Roncone, the volunteer coordinator to find out what you need to know about volunteering for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Miler.
Roncone says there are more than 50 spots left for volunteers, scattered over four days and two states (plus the District of Columbia).
“Volunteers pick up elite athletes from the airport, direct runners from the metro, distribute t-shirts, hand out water, organize runner-bibs, sell merchandise, control the crowd, cheer the runners, and so much more,” Roncone says.
Roncone says the best part of being a volunteer is meeting the runners.
“Seeing them at the expo, after they have trained hard for this race and are gearing up for the big run, and then seeing the joy (and pain) on their faces after they conquer the distance and wrap themselves in a heat blanket… knowing that you were a part of the magic reminds our volunteers that we are all part of something bigger,” she says.
And for runners who got in? Don’t forget to thank the volunteers.
Volunteers are VIPs!
“Volunteers are the foundation of the race,” Roncone says. “Can you imagine having a race without volunteers? There would be no water, no medals, no entertainment. You wouldn’t even know what your time is when you cross the finish line since there would be no one with a microphone to tell you the time. We have so many volunteers that you see – handing out t-shirts and race packets at the expo – and so many volunteers that you don’t see. Those are the ones who set up everything and take it all down. They make the magic happen: tents get set up, water stations are built, heat blankets are unloaded and distributed, as are bananas, water, and food.”
Not a runner? The entry is transferrable – and a great way to make a runner friend’s day. Convinced? Head on over and sign up here!
Oh and how could we forget? Volunteers also score a 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile long-sleeve volunteer t-shirt.
From the CUCB blog team, a huge THANK YOU to everyone to makes this incredible race what it is! See you on the course!
Natalie started running in the second grade and hasn’t stopped since. In her day job, she is a reporter on the breaking news team at USA TODAY. In the way-too-early mornings and shouldn’t-you-be-exhausted-by-now evenings she’s busy running, practicing yoga at her favorite studio, acting as President of the American News Women’s Club or writing for Run Washington, HalfMarathons.net and Runner’s Breakfast. Natalie is a chronically starving marathoner, loud laugher and wannabe triathlete in training for her first half Ironman in June.
Today is the first day of the 2015 CUCB entry lottery! The first year that I managed the CUCB twitter and facebook pages I felt like I was asking the race committee a million questions, all day long, from Fall Kickoff through the day the finish times became official. Going into my third year, I’ve learned the ropes and am starting to predict (with surprising accuracy!) just what the very Most Frequently Asked Questions (MFAQ) will be for each event leading up to the race. I’ve shared my predictions for the lottery MFAQ below. Did I guess yours? If not, we may have it on the full lottery FAQ. If I did, I’d love to know about it in the comments!
Molly’s Prediction for Top Five Lottery Questions:
1. Does my credit card get charged when I enter the lottery or when I am selected?
Answer: your credit card does not get charged when you enter the lottery, only if you are selected to run the 2015 CUCB.
2. What do the tech tee upgrade and medal look like?
Answer: The medal design is top secret until race day, but we can tell you that the tech tee upgrades are going to be white, v-neck New Balance shirts featuring Abby Matousek’s winning design.
3. Are my odds better or worse if I enter as a group instead of an individual?
Answer: They are exactly the same. If you ONLY want to run the race if certain others are selected with you, a group entry is the way to go. If you all would run with or without each other it’s probably better to enter as individuals and try to get a bib transfer in February or sign up as a charity runner with Credit Union Miracle Day for anyone who wasn’t selected.
4. When will I know if I’m selected for the 2015 CUCB?
Answer: The Tuesday after the lottery closes, December 16, we will know who the 2015 CUCB runners are!
5. What can I do if I don’t get selected?
Answer: you could enter the race as a charity runner, you could post a message on our bib transfer forum in February, or you could help us out as a volunteer on race day. We are always in need of more race day volunteers, and to thank you for spending your morning with us you receive a long-sleeve cotton tee featuring Abby’s design, a guaranteed entry at the prevailing entry fee into our 2016 race, and (most importantly) good running karma!
Good luck to all of you who are entering the lottery this week – I look forward to cheering many of you on at the finish line on April 12, 2015!
This year’s t-shirt design was a huge hit when it was revealed at the kick-off party for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run. The artist, 24 year-old Abby Matousek, grew up in Southern California before moving to Colorado. She now lives in D.C. with two cats, Franny and Zooey, and a great group of D.C. friends. We were very lucky to land an exclusive interview with Abby.
What’s your running background?
One of my good friends got me into running about a year and a half ago when he picked up the sport (nothing like peer pressure). Since then, I have run the MCM 10K twice, the Navy 5 miler, CUCB, and the Army 10 Miler. I grew up as a swimmer so running was a big transition for me…but now I have thrown biking into the mix and did my first triathlon in September.
What’s your favorite part of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run?
Ha. Finishing? The 2014 CUCB was the first time I ran 10 miles and I definitely teared up with relief and happiness after crossing the finish. Also, the unofficial beer and Oreo table at mile 8 wasn’t awful. But seriously, it is a great race, both from a course and fellow runner perspective. Hope to be a repeater for many years to come!
What was your inspiration for the t-shirt design?
Honestly, I just wanted to do something different than in previous years and try to stand out a little. I am still somewhat limited in my skill set in graphic design and just started playing around with different concepts/processes until I found something I thought I could work with. The first couple of designs were…not so great. I am not a professional artist, but I aspire to be. I have said that the CUCB artwork is my “proof of concept” to return to school for Graphic Design.
What’s your best/worst/funniest/weirdest running moment? I don’t know how appropriate this is…but in my first race (the Navy 5 miler), I was being passed by the leaders of the Air Force Half, which goes off the same day and shares the 5 miler route in places. As one of the elite men was passing…nature called. I am not even sure this is physically possible but he was able to relieve himself into the grass without breaking pace. It was one of the most talented/gross/absurd things I have ever seen.
What are your running goals?
I definitely want to do a marathon. I am hoping to get into the MCM 17.75K for entry into the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon. I think after I check the marathon box, I will be content with running a bit more recreationally to stay in shape and keep active (although, I do have the idea of an Iron Man kicking around in the back of my head).
This event, sponsored by The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Organizing Committee, Credit Union Miracle Day, New Balance, MilestonePod, and Potomac River Running is a sell-out event every year, just like the race.
The kickoff reception runs from 6:00-9:00 PM at The 201 Bar located at 201 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington DC 20002. Advance registration is $15 and includes 1 drink ticket, appetizers, raffle entry, $10 Potomac River Running gift card, and a MilestonePod.
If space is available the day of, admission is $25 at the door, but this event usually sells out.
Why come to the kickoff?
✿ 25 lottery exemptions to the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run will be raffled off between 6:30 and 8:30 PM
✿ Unveiling of the official 2015 Race T-shirt Design and meet the artist – See it here before it goes public!
✿ Vote for the 2015 race T-shirt color – potential runners the opportunity to choose the t-shirt color on which the design will be featured. The t-shirt color chosen at this event will be the same shirt that the runners of the 2015 race receive.
✿ Bid on silent auction packages and wine pull (all proceeds go to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals)
✿ Announcement of the winners of the Social Runner Contest
✿ Enjoy music and food
✿ Meet fellow runners and coaches and connect with past, and future Cherry Blossom 10 Miler runners to share their stories and get excited about the opening of the 2015 race lottery on December 1st.
You already know the race sells out, but so does this reception. So RSVP early – see you there!