Jummy at the finish line of the 2014 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run
Does Jummy look familiar to you? If so, you probably recognize her from Good Morning Washington or ABC7 News at Noon. Jummy and I have been twitter friends for a while and have run many of the same races. We even passed each other on the course of the Army Ten Miler in 2014! We finally met in person at the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile run kickoff party last November.
When did you begin running and why? I began running in October of 2013 when I became involved with Girls on the Run (GOTR) through work. My station, ABC7, partnered with GOTR Nova on some events and I was so inspired by all of the young girls. They made me decide to take running more seriously.
What is your proudest running moment? My proudest moment has to be finishing my first half marathon, the Nike Women’s DC Half Marathon, in April of 2014. It was just 5 days after my 30th birthday.
Have you run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run before? I ran it in 2014 for the first time! It was awesome!
What is your “why” for running the 2015 the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? I’m running to participate in, what I believe is, one of the best races in our nation’s capital. I am a spring baby and to me there is nothing better than running along the beautiful cherry blossoms. It represents a feeling of new beginnings and a fresh start!
What is your goal for the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run? To beat my 2014 time by 10 minutes!
Do you have a running mantra? What is it and what does it mean to you? My pace, my race! I don’t like to get caught up in how many people finish ahead of me, or even behind me. My goal is always to cross that line and accomplish what I started.
If you could use only one word to express what running means to you, what would it be? “GOAL-DIGGING”
What is your favorite New Balance running gear? I’m loving the New Balance Impact Hoodie. It’s the perfect piece to start the race with…mornings tend to be cold in early April.
What is a fun/interesting fact you learned about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? Its partner hospitals provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the country! That’s awesome, what a great organization to support!
Kimberly, @KimberWestrich
Kim has been running off and on for 25 years, but only recently got serious about figuring out how to keep that switch turned on. The secret for her is a broad and supportive running community through Potomac River Running Training Programs, Moms Run This Town, Reston Runners, and followers of her blog, Kim Runs Miles With Smiles. Kim will be coaching the PR Cherry Blossom Training Program at Reston in 2015 and is excited to share her enthusiasm for all things Cherry Blossom, which was her first BIG race in 2014. When she isn’t running, she is tackling the nation’s health care issues in her job as a health care services researcher for a non-profit association.
One thought on “Runner Spotlight: Jummy Olabanji”
Great post! Thanks for sharing this nice information with us.
Great post! Thanks for sharing this nice information with us.