Category Archives: Training

How I’m Training For The Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run

I know the official training programs for the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run started in February, but that seemed too early for me to start training for a race that isn’t until April. Not to mention that training in the D.C. area in February this year meant braving icy or snowy trails or slogging it out on the treadmill. But, now it’s March, and the longer daylight hours–if not warmer weather–are reminding me that race day will be here soon.


I have a history of running injuries–plantar fascitis, ITB syndrome, piriformis syndrome–so I approach training for a race cautiously. No PR (personal record) is worth risking a DNS (did not start) due to injury.

I have found that running three days a week, doing strength training 3 days a week, and resting or doing a gentle yoga/stretching program on the other day works well for me.

This is what my typical training schedule looks likes:

Monday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 30-40 minutes full body strength training
Tuesday: 45-60 minutes of running, usually a speed or hill workout (on alternating weeks)
Wednesday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 30-40 minutes full body strength training
Thursday: 4-5 mile run
Friday: 20-30 minutes elliptical, 20-30 minutes upper body/back strength training
Saturday: long run (8-12 miles)
Sunday: gentle yoga or stretching program

For my strength training routines, I am focusing on exercises that are suggested for runners, like dead lifts, calf raises, squats, lunges, clamshells, planks, etc. On Friday I focus on upper body strength moves to give my legs a rest before my Saturday long run.

You can read more about my running and training on my blog, Running With Perseverance, or follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

Have you started following a training plan? 

Have you set a goal for race day?

Weather Permitting…

What do you do when there is snow and ice on the ground and you want to run? What if you do not have access to a treadmill? Well, that is what I am going through right now. What’s a girl to do? Crosstrain!

I have weights, bands, a box for jumps, jump rope, a muscle rope and more. Although the weather has kept me from running, it will not keep me from exercising. I have goals and I am making progress towards them. Old Man Winter is not going to hang around forever and I have races to run. Building strength will help me run faster and I have PR’s (Personal Records) that I want to surpass.



I have learned a lot this winter and the main thing is…Winter will not break me!

How do you keep training when winter tries to slow you down?

~Fran, @Flash_Fran

Francine has a love of family, fitness, fashion and fun.  She is on a journey to become a better runner, eat healthier, get fit as a family and show off her fashion sense all while having fun.  She is the mother of 2 boys, works full-time and is a recent grad. She believes that Hard Work = Results and staying Positive gets you there. 

Your First 10 Miler

Training season is in full swing and we couldn’t be more excited! For many of you, this will be your first time running 10 miles. If you fall into this category, I commend you for taking on such a goal. For those of you taking on the CUCB 10 Miler again, welcome back! We’re glad to have you.

As race day approaches, it’s good to start thinking about race day logistics. Below are some tips to ensure you have a great race!

What to wear
Race day is not the day to try out that new pair of shoes or running top. Always stick with what you know works. Training runs are a great opportunity to test out your race day outfit. It’s better to find out on a training run that that particular pair of socks or running top is rubbing you the wrong way. Showing up on race day wearing the gear you know works will help reduce some of your pre-race jitters.

What to eat/drink on the run
Much like your running gear, it is important to stick with what you know works for you on race day. Some of you may have already started to experiment with eating/drinking on the run. If you have not, now is a good time to test some things out.  Most runners turn to electrolyte drinks and energy gels to replace what has been lost through sweat. Use your training runs to test out these products to find out what the best combination is for you.

Race day
This one is easy, finish. You’re going to run a personal best no matter what time you finish in, so don’t stress about time. Enjoy the sights and take pictures if you’re carrying a camera! The Credit Union Cherry Blossom course is beautiful and fingers crossed that the blossoms will be in full bloom!

Last and most important tip, HAVE FUN!!!!

Running Around Obstacles

Runners are used to obstacles. Lately, many of us have been running in freezing (or below freezing) weather. We climb hills, dodge mud puddles, keep an eye out for traffic and use whatever means necessary to avoid getting sick.

A very cute obstacle.
A very cute obstacle.

Some of us have cute obstacles, like little children. When my boys were little, they often came along on my runs in a jog stroller. But it’s been so cold up here in Pittsburgh, running moms can’t safely take their children out for a run. So this week I helped a fellow Pittsburgh running mom who is training for her first Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run by watching her young baby while she got in her first virtual training run.

Some of us have not-so-cute obstacles. Ali, the runner we mentioned in our first blog post “Lucky to be Runners,” has already overcome some big injuries. This week she hit some really bad luck and fractured her foot. She has two very small fractures and no bones displaced. She has to wait two weeks to see how things heal. There’s not much I can do to help her with this obstacle except sympathize and suggest my least-favorite upper body and core exercises.

Several years ago, I had almost given up on running completely because of a physical obstacle. But something inside wouldn’t let it go. And the 2011 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run was my ten-mile victory lap.

You know what I mean, don’t you? As a runner, you’ve overcome some big obstacles of your own. Kids, work, injuries, weather…you’ve been there and done that. So pay it forward! Share your biggest obstacle and how you tackled it and turned it into something that made you tougher.


-Elizabeth, @epagelhogan

Elizabeth is a writing mom on the run and logs her miles in Pittsburgh, PA. She was a 2013 Social Runner for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run.



Back in the Saddle

a145f00a0bb137187f3148a790e25fc6I’ve been hard pressed to get out and do any “decent mileage” runs in quite some time. During winter months, I normally will run 2-3 miles at most because that’s about all I can handle boredom-wise when running on a treadmill.

With the “polar vortex” we’ve been experiencing here in PA, winter just doesn’t seem to be letting up! But with only just over 2 more months until the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run— it’s time to get back in the saddle!

Whether you’re like me and take a hiatus during winter months, or you’re just coming off an injury related break– the first time you lace up those shoes and strap on that Garmin can be quite frustrating with regards to time/pace. But I do try to keep it in perspective. Here are 4 things I’ve done to try and keep myself in check:

1. Keep it in Perspective

There have been so many times that I have been ready to just throw in the towel. It’s not even funny. Throwing hissy fits within myself because I didn’t finish my (for example) 5 miles “fast enough.” How about let’s keep it in perspective—I was ABLE to run 5 miles! Some people aren’t fortunate enough to be able to say that. Some would give anything to be able to run one.

2. Find a Newer Runner to Share in the Experience

I started running in December 2010. I ran my first half marathon in October 2011. I have since run 3 other half marathons, but I’m telling you, I have YET to feel the same runners high as I did when I completed my very FIRST one. It’s still there, but just not as intense. Because of that, I felt like my love affair with running was waning a tad bit.

What renewed my enjoyment in running has been living vicariously through others as they complete their “running firsts” milestones! I have several friends who are planning to run their very first 5k this year, and I plan on being there for each one!


IMG_20130414_084021_461_thumb 3. Make It a Family Affair

This actually kind of pairs well with number two for me. My daughter Mackenzie (she’s 10)will sometimes join me on my runs. It makes it not so much about the running as it is about picking a healthy activity to be done with your family. We actually practice her spelling words while we run! Plus (and this is how it pairs with #2) – we have the opportunity to hit new milestones together. Slowly I would increase the distance or the time that Kenzer and I spent running. And before I knew it, she had run her very first 5K with me last year! This past Thanksgiving, we ran her second “Turkey Trot 5K”- and she shaved a full 5 MINUTES off her time!


4. If All Else Fails Say “Screw it”

Now not so fast– make sure you read this in it’s entirety—I’m not saying stop running altogether. Or giving up. I’m saying take the pressure off yourself. Leave the Garmin at home. Don’t start the running app on your phone. Just go out and enjoy it.  Remember why you started running in the first place, and reflect on how far you’ve come to this point. You’ll slowly get back to where you left up, but enjoy the journey until you get there.


See you out there friends!


Any more words of advice for the good of the cause? Do you run year round, or take time off during winter?

Jenny is a 30-something working mom, wife, avid weight lifter, and four time half-marathoner who blogs at


Three Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Your Spring Race

With the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run more than eight weeks away, I’m not quite ready to start training for the race, but it’s never too early for conditioning. Here are three things that I think runners can be doing now to get ready for spring races.


Continue reading Three Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Your Spring Race

Running Training Programs

running training plansNew runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.New runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.New runners and veterans can benefit from running training programs. If this is your first time tackling the full ten mile run or you’re focused on a personal record, whether you live in D.C. or are logging your miles in a distance city, thanks to =PR= and New Balance there ‘s a running training program that will work for you.

For locals, the In-Person On-Site Training Program begins January 25-26, 2014 at a variety of locations. The $99 registration fee for the standard program also includes great gear and this year a premium option includes the same benefits as the standard program plus a registration to the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run and a pair of New Balance shoes!

For folks outside of D.C., there is a Virtual Training program that begins January 27, 2014. This program is free, is presented by New Balance, and has been thoughtfully designed by Bill Rodgers and Virtual Training Coach Kirt West.

Running training programs offer so much more than a chance to log miles. One of last year’s social runners, Amanda, used a modified version of the training plan because she was injured. She loved it. Here’s what she had to say:

=PR= Training
As the Cherry Blossom social runner, I have been working with several of the race sponsors to get back on my feet, and one of those has been the =PR= Training program. Participating in this program has given me access to Coach T, who has helped me to adapt the =PR= program to whatever my capabilities have been. Starting on the bike and working my way up, she’s checked in to make sure I’m ok to be running when I am and helped me outline an abbreviated training plan without compromising my progress.

In addition to working with Coach T, participating in the training program has brought both Matt and myself something we hadn’t really experienced before: camaraderie in training. We both tend to prefer running on our own, but out of this process, we ended up making new friends that have celebrated our accomplishments with us (like Matt’s half marathon PR that he promises he’ll write a post about soon) and commiserated over injuries. I have personally loved getting to watch the newer runners experience new personal distance records, and their excitement throughout the training process has continued to provide me with determination to make it to race day, as well.

Amanda’s husband, Matt, was healthy and able to join in on the scheduled training runs. You can read about a sample week of training here.

Let us know if you sign up for one of the programs and how your training is going! Good luck, Runners!

-Elizabeth, @epagelhogan

Elizabeth is a writing mom on the run and logs her miles in Pittsburgh, PA. She was a 2013 Social Runner for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run.