We hope you all are basking in the glow of a race well-run, and bet more than a few of you are proud of shiny new PRs. While we’ve enjoyed sharing our insights over the past few months, this post is all about you! We want to hear about yourrace experience!
Photo Credit: Heather Mundwiler
If you have a blog, we’d love for you to link your recap below, or tell us the highlights in the comments. The link up will be open for a few weeks, so make sure you come back to hear how others did.
Congratulations! You just ran the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run or 5K–and you didn’t get blown into the river off Hains Point! We hope you had a great race and want to hear all about it. If you wrote about your race experience on your blog, we would love for you to link it up below.
You can see your official race results here and your RunPix race results here–and don’t forget to check your email for your virtual goody bag! If you already are looking forward to 2017–which will be the 45th running of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run–you can have a chance to win a free entry by taking this sustainability survey.
Your 2016 CUCB Social Media team hopes you had a great race!
Those cherry blossoms have a powerful effect on runners. One runner shared his special story with us!
My name is Pete Thomas, and I am happy to say that Victoria Davies agreed to my marriage proposal at the foot of the Washington Monument on the day of the Cherry Blossom race. We are both public charter school teachers in Northeast DC, and I live in Noma and Vic lives in Arlington. In terms of the proposal itself, I actually ran the 10 miler with the ring zipped into my runner’s belt/fanny pack that I typically use for energy gels- I hid it behind some GU packets to be extra inconspicuous.
Once I finished the race, I unzipped my pouch and made sure that the ring was secure (it was just a little bit sweaty) and then waited to cheer Victoria on near the finish line while I hid the ring in my hand. Once she finished the race, I walked up and gave her a big hug and made sure that she got a banana and some water (it’s important to be well-nourished and hydrated before making any big decisions) and then I asked her if she wanted to go up towards the monument so that we could get away from the port-a-potties and look at the cherry blossoms. She was at first a bit more intent on getting to the metro so that we could go get brunch, but I nervously managed to convince her that we should go check out the view of the Mall and the Tidal Basin before we left.
Once we got up close to the Monument on the Lincoln side from where we could get a pretty spectacular view of the city, I finally got down on one knee with the ring and asked her to marry me. She fortunately said yes, and after a few tears, selfies, and phone calls to our moms, we took a nice walk down the mall towards home. Since then, we’ve enjoyed our spring break from school by visiting Savannah and eating lots of delicious southern food that we’ll have to work off in future ten milers! We both had a great time running the race, and we are very happy to be able to look back at this awesome DC event as part of the beginning of our future together!
For the past few months, we’ve been doing our best to motivate, encourage and inspire you to run your best race for The Runners’ Rite of Spring®. Now it’s your turn to share your race weekend experiences with us!
If you ran with us this weekend–or volunteered, or spectated–we want to hear about your experience. Whether it was your first time or your fifth, whether you ran 5k or 9.??, link up your blog post below or share your story in the comments.
It was the first time since 2007 that the blossoms were peaking on race weekend!
We’ll be keeping the link up open through April 30, so go ahead, take your Epsom salt bath or ice bath, get a massage, and bask in the glory of a race well run–and then come back and tell us all about it.
What’s better than running the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run or 5K? Reliving the fun by writing a race recap and reading other excellent race recaps!
To make the fun last a little longer, we’re hosting the first ever race recap link party here on the blog. Add your race recap here and make sure you check out the other great posts.
We want to hear from both 10 mile runners and 5K runners, veterans and first-timers, volunteers and spectators – ANYONE who has memories to share!
We’re accepting blog links until May 16, 2014, so make sure you click on the blue “Add Your Link” box.
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We are so happy to have the 42nd Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run under our belts, and hope you had a great race yesterday morning. We know there are some parts of race day that are still on your mind, and have some tips below for maxing out your runner’s high!
The elite men start the 42nd Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run
1. Check Out Your Results. Check your results on your RaceJoy App, on the results site right here, or even the interactive enhanced results on RunPix. RunPix results offer really cool visualizations that can show you where you were on the course when others finished. For example, you could look up Ben Beach’s finish time and find out where you were when he crossed the finish line on his 42nd CUCB! If your GPS clocked you at a longer or shorter race on Sunday, we have an explanation here. If your chip time is really far off, or you aren’t showing up in the results list, please fill out this form.
2. Relive Race Day. The wonderful team at RunnerSpace has an entire site dedicated to the CUCB. You can catch finish line videos of everyone, stories from elite athletes, and pictures from the lead runners in the USATF 10 Mile Championships and the open competition by visiting the page here. You can also see a segment about CUCB from FOX 5, and another from NBC Washington.
3. Treat Yo’self. Check the back of your race bib for a discount to Potomac River Running Store to splurge on some of their gear. If you want to commemorate a great race, you can also shop our official race merchandise page, which will have the order form for medals as soon as that is available as well.
4. Learn About Our Charity Partners. We have so many wonderful community partners who we work with year round. This is a great time to learn about organizations that are making a difference in the community like Teens Run DC, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and Children’s National Medical Center, and the Council for Responsible Sport.
5. Mark Your Calendars. We’re already planning for the 2015 CUCB, and have heard from many of you who are doing the same. You can sign up for reminder emails about 2015 lottery dates here. If you are feeling inspired, we encourage you to enter our t-shirt design contest by June 1, 2014. The 43rd running of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run will be on April 12, 2015 – we hope to see you there!